[Chess_General_Discussion] World Chess Championship round 2
As expected, things heated up somewhat for this round.
Kramnik played the open Catalan against Morozevich and offered a pawn
with the novelty 8.0-0 (normal is 8.Bd2). Kramnik then sacrifices a
knight with 13.exd5 and acquired a passed pawn on the c-file with a
very strong light-squared bishop defending it, and a complicated
position was the result. Morozevich missed the defensive plan of
16...Rb7 which prevents the advance of White's dangerous c-pawn. After
16...d3, Kramnik played the intermediary 17.c7! exposing an attack on
the rook at a8 and attacking the knight on b8. Exchanging off the
queens gives White an easy won ending an exchange up. Morozevich tried
to mess things up with 17...Qd4, but after 18.Qa4 Black may not
capture the rook on a1, because after 19.Qxb4, bearing down on the f8
rook, Black cannot deal with all of the threats. For example, if
19...Nd7, 20.Bxa8 Rxa8 21.Qe4! attacking both Rook on a8 and Bishop on
e6. The passed c-pawn is still a menacing threat as well. 18...Nd7,
19.Be3 Qd6 20.Bxa8 Rxa8 21.Bf4 Qf8 22.b6 and now it's just a matter of
technique with White's connected passed pawns. If 22...Nxb6 23.Qc6
wins a piece.
I put the games up for web viewing here:
For those of you with a .pgn game viewer who just want the .pgn files.
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