Jude Acers, Chess icon hit by Katrina
Chessbase has an article about Jude Acers, who taught chess for years in New Orleans French Quarter. Apparently he is still alive, and Chessbase is calling for chess players worldwide to help him out:
Contact: Michael Ciamarra
Email: michaelc (at) alabamapolicy (dot) org
Call in Birmingham, Alabama: +49-205-914 3248
Donations can be made to “Jude Acers fund” – Michael Ciamarra, Alabama Scholastic Chess Resources, 116 Oakmont Road Birmingham, Alabama 35244 USA
Contact: Michael Ciamarra
Email: michaelc (at) alabamapolicy (dot) org
Call in Birmingham, Alabama: +49-205-914 3248
Donations can be made to “Jude Acers fund” – Michael Ciamarra, Alabama Scholastic Chess Resources, 116 Oakmont Road Birmingham, Alabama 35244 USA