Monday, April 18, 2005

More on Kasparov's attacker

Mig Greengard of talked with Kasparov on Friday and this is what he said:

Update, 16.4.05, 16:00: I talked to Garry and he's doing fine, just a lump and a sore head. His exact quip right after it happened: "I'm lucky that chess, not baseball, was one of the most popular sports in the Soviet Union." He called this his official welcome to Russian politics. He also said they didn't call the police or do anything to the guy who did it, since that was clearly what the attack's organizers were hoping for. (The attacker was shouting "Go ahead, beat me, call the police, I don't care!") Not only that, but the guy came up later and apologized! Apparently the best way to refute a sacrifice is to decline it.


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